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Dear members of the public,


I write to you because I am tired of receiving nasty, crude, threatening messages and defamatory posts on social media based on outright lies. The rumours that have been circulated about my family in the karting community are the direct result of false accusations made to police by certain Toowoomba Kart Club committee members and club members leading to outrageous misrepresentations of an incident that took place at TKC in August, 2018.


Considering that TKC members and the karting community at large were used to perpetuate the harm to my family, the members and public deserve to know the truth. The public should know the truth about how TKC deal with people they want out of their club. By posting this information, I hope that I can raise awareness and prevent another family falling victim to similar mistreatment and avoid what we have endured at TKC.

Before defending the criminals who lied to the police and perpetuating the defamation they initiated, please take the time to educate yourself by reading the correspondence at which outlines the facts. If you have any questions or concerns about the validity of the polygraph undertaken, please contact the analyst and substantiate the authenticity of the results for yourself (the contact details have been provided for this purpose). In addition, any of the people who made the false accusations who wish to test the reliability of a polygraph are more than welcome to submit to one themselves to prove their innocence.


I am sure that some will still want to defend the rotten people who took it upon themselves to deliberately hurt my family, either because they’ve been fooled and cannot accept that people they associate with could be such lying lowlifes, or because they themselves are scum. Some people, as nasty as it is, will see nothing wrong with trying to get an innocent person convicted of a crime he did not commit and therefore will attempt to refute the facts or continue the mudslinging. Unfortunately, the anonymity of social media usually emboldens those weak in character. They may argue that the powers that be didn’t like us because we “asked too many questions.” But what is one to do when new to a sport but to ask questions and seek advice from those more experienced? I have also read somewhere that “the efforts of everyone involved... (was) tarnished by this one individual,” a comment referring to my husband because he questioned the disparity in engine performance in our son’s category and so we were somehow responsible for “tarnishing” another competitor’s reputation because he was caught with illegally modified engines, twice. Hmm... how is that our fault? We certainly never encouraged or assisted anyone to cheat. Perhaps some people didn’t like the fact that we just didn’t recognise the dictatorial nature of the organisation nor the endemic nepotism until it was too late, or maybe there was an element of ethnocentrism or plain old racism at play? Whatever the excuse, I honestly cannot fathom how anyone could possibly justify such actions. Moreover, irrespective of what anyone may dislike about us or has taken offence to, both common sense and the law declares that there is no excuse for the malevolent and illegal acts perpetrated against our family. 


I imagine that it would be difficult to accept that people you once respected could be so amoral, but sometimes our judgements are erroneous and when we finally learn the truth, it hurts. Unfortunately, there are other similar true stories out there if you only remain quiet long enough to listen. I sincerely hope that anyone who has an association with these scoundrels are able to one day liberate themselves from the toxic influence of these people before they get too far entangled or become victims themselves.  


It is incomprehensible to me that members and visitors to this club could go about their business without questioning those at TKC responsible for these malicious acts about what they have done to our family. After all, if these actions were not spawned from pure malice, then why exclude our young son from the track and competition at the moment when he became one of the forerunners in his category? Perhaps I am expecting too much... maybe integrity, honesty and courage are dying qualities and we will see another family subjected to such tyranny. I sincerely hope not.



Rebecca Elkayam



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